Prohibition signs - Items tagged as "Safetychildren"

Prohibition signs

are typically red with a circle and diagonal line running through it. These are the 'forbidden signs' telling you not to do something.

Prohibition signs include 'No smoking', 'No admittance', 'No Access', 'Do not' signs and more. 

View all 140mm 150mm 1M 200mm 2m 300mm 450mm 600mm 75mm 80mm access accessno action actions adjust admittance against the law agriculture ahead allowed anti apartments area areas arrival arrow arrows Authorised personnel available ball games banksman bathing before beware beyond bilingual safety signs blue blue health and safety signs blue safety sign blue sign boiler boiler room boots both building bus buses C24/Z4 C26/Z6 C3/Z3 car park signs Cars catering caution children cigarette clean cleaning cleaning safety signs clear climb climbing close closed clothing coaches combustible communal company computer computer equipment concealed construction consumption contractor Contractor parking contractors cosh coshh crossing customer customers damage danger danger hazard signs deliveries delivery designated detectors diameter direction directional disabled disciplinary discipline dismissal dispose distance diversion do not Do not enter do not oil do not remove do not start do not switch off do not switch on do not turn off do not use dog dogs door double double sided down drink drinking drinking water drivers driving duty e-cig e-cigarettes eating ecigarettes electrical elsewhere english enter entering entrance entry equipment escape route escape route arrows exceed except exit extinguish female fire fixing flame flammable flat flats floor floor graphics floor marking floor signs floor warning sign food food safety signs footpath forbidden fork fork lift fork-lift forklift general general prohibition sign gents graphic guards guide guide dog guide dogs hazard hazard safety signs hazard sign hazard warning signs hazardous health heaters heavy helmets here hi vis hi-viz hygenic hygiene incomplete indicating inside keep keep apart keep area clear keep clear keep out kept kitchen warning signs ladies landscaped law left lift lift room lights load lock out locked locked out lockout look loose loose clothing lorries ltddo machine machinery machinerydo machines male mandatory marker materials maximum maximum workload men men at work mobile mobile phone mobile phones motion move moving moving machinery moving vehicle moving vehicles MP42S mps30u mps31q mud multi multi-purpose multipurpose must naked neighbours no access no admittance no drinking no eating no entry no exit no exit sign red no parking no parking signs no smoking no smoking building no smoking e cigarettes no smoking notice no smoking or vaping no smoking sign no smoking sign for cars no thoroughfare not drinking water notices obstacles obstruct off offence office one way only open opened operate operating operating this machine opposite options other pack paper paper towels parents park parking parking lot signs parking signs parking warning signs pedestrian pedestrians permit person personnel persons phones plant plant room plastic plastic safety signs plastic signs play please point policy polluted position premises progress prohibited prohibition prohibitiondo prohibitionno prohibitions prohibitionthe protect safety signs protective clothing public purpose purposes racking radios red danger sign red safety signs reduce refrain remove report responsible reverse reversing right rigid road route safe safe condition safety safety hazard signs safetychildren safetyno scaffold scaffold incomplete scaffolding scaffolding incomplete service shelf shelves shelving shop sided sign signage signagearrow signagebeware signagedo signageno signagepedestrian signageplease signdo signkeep signnot signpedestrian signs signs for heavy plant crossing signscomputer signsdanger signsdo signsentry signshazardous signsite signsno signsplant signsroad signsstriking site site access site compound site entrance site office site safety site security site traffic size slip slow children smoke smoke detector smoking smoking area smoking warning signs social distancing speed staff stand stand here start starts sticker stickers stop stop the spread store stored straight straight ahead strictly strictly prohibited suitable supplied supplierdo supplierno suppliervisitors switch switch on switchroom symbol tags tagsdo taxi taxis thank thank you that these this thoroughfare tidy tie-on-tags toilet toilet sign toilets touch towels traffic trains trucks turning ukno unauthorised unauthorised person unauthorised persons unauthorised vehicles unless until use users vans vehicle vehicle moving in progress vehicle speed limit vehicles ventilation vest Vests vinyl visitors viz w.c walkway warehouse warning water ways WC wear welsh wheelchair wheelchair accessible sign wheelchairs when whilst will window window signage window signs window sticker windows windows sign work yellow