Safe Conditions signs - Items tagged as "Blue sign"

Safe Conditions signs

These signs cover BS5499 safe conditions signs, Large format signs, first aid and disabled signs. These signs are used to keep us safe, identify exits and help advise us what to do in an emergency.
View all 150mm 200mm 300mm 400mm 408D 409F 410C accident action action plan actions agor ahead aider allanfa allowed anti anti-clockwise AP1 apartment block fire safety sign apartment blocks apartments arrow arrow sign assembly assembly notice assembly point assistance authorised Authorised personnel automatic available beyond bilingual bilingual safety signs bilingualcymorth block management signs blue health and safety signs blue safety sign blue sign bolt break bs5499 buildings burns button buy warning signs cadwch call caravans carries case caution caution and warning signs caution danger sign caution safety signs caution sign caution signs caution warning sign caution warning signs cautionary safety sign clear clockwise code conditions conditionsyour construction contact cymorth cyntaf danger danger hazard signs delayed evacuation dept diagonal direction signs directional directional signage directional signs disabled discover discovering Do not enter door door sign door signs double sided down ear protection effect emergency emergency safety signs english escape escape route escape route arrows evacuate evacuated evacuation evacuation action plan evacuation policy evacuation signs event exit extinguisher Extinguisher labels eye protection FAN finish fire fire action fire action flats fire action notice fire action notices fire action plan fire action plan welsh fire action sign fire assembly point fire call point fire caution signs fire door fire equipment fire equipment sign fire exit fire exit left fire exit right Fire exit wheelchair right sign fire extinguisher fire extinguisher labels fire extinguishers fire point fire procedure fire signs first first aid first aid kit first aid kits first aider flat flats floor floor graphics floor signs floor warning sign forbidden fork fork lift forklift format from general glass glasses glir goggle goggles gold googles graphic graphics green guest gwthiwch hanging hazard safety signs hazard sign hazard warning signs hi vis hi-viz hi-viz vest hospital hospital signs hotel hotel / guest house hotel sign house housing associations ideal illness instructions keep keep area clear keep clear keep locked shut keep shut label signs labels large large format left lift light lingual locked ltdemergency ltdexit ltdfire ltdpush maintenance maintenance labels mandatory material mechanical metal multi multi-lingual must must be worn muster muster point nearest need nghau nhs no access no authorised persons no entry no pedestrians notice number numbers only open operating passageway pedestrian pedestrians permanent permitted personal protection persons photolum photoluminescent pictorial pictorial general picture plastic plastic safety signs plastic signs please point portable portable buildings / caravan sites ppe press to exit prestige procedure prohibited prohibition protect safety signs protection pull push push bar push bar to open push button push pad push to open raise alarm reach red danger sign red extinguisher labels red safety signs refuge release release button residential residential / warden flats residential flats right rigid running man safe safe condition safety safety glasses safety goggles safety hazard signs safety helmets safetyfire scalds seen semi shop sided sign signage signagefire signagefirst signagepan signfire signnot signs signsfire signsmoking signspictorial signsway silver site safety situation slide smoking smoking warning signs space staff stay stay put stay put fan stay put fire action notice stay put fire action sign stay put fire policy stay put fire sign stay put notice stay put notices stay put policy stay put signs stayput steel straight straight ahead strap suitable supplierfire switch symbol this thumb thumb turn times trained truck trucks turn to open unauthorised up users vehicle vest Vests vinyl vinyl safety signs viz wales warden warehouse warning warning and a caution signs warning and danger signs warning caution signs warning danger sign warning danger signs warning hazard sign warning safety signs warning sign warning signs danger warning signs safety wash way out welsh welsh fire exit sign wheelchair wheelchair accessible sign wheelchairs where will window signage window signs window sticker windows sign with wording worn yellow caution sign yellow danger sign yellow health and safety signs yellow safety signs ymgynnull your